Friday, April 25, 2008

The Nighttime Terrorist

"A terrorist that strikes at night." That's how Dr. Scott Todd with Compassion International describes the Anopheles mosquito. This tiny little terrorist, prevalent in tropical areas and thriving in stagnant waters, claims over a million lives every year. Most of them are children. Most of them are in Africa.

Malaria is a completely preventable disease. We all but wiped it out in the United States 60 years ago. Yet every 30 seconds, it's claiming another life.

Today is World Malaria Day. A day set aside to remember those lost to this terrible disease...and hopefully, a day to get involved in the fight against malaria. I know you're busy. We all are. But at the very least, can you pray for the victims of malaria? Could you spare $10 to buy an insecticide treated net to protect a little boy or girl from these tiny terrorists who spread the malaria parasite?

There's no reason for children to die of a preventable disease. Get involved today.

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