Tuesday, December 25, 2007
Merry Christmas!
Wednesday, December 19, 2007
What's In a Name?
Top 5 Facts:
- 25% of the letters are vowels. Of one million first and last names we looked at, 92.6% have a higher vowel make-up. This means you are poorly envoweled.
- Backwards, it is Mit Nnelg... nice ring to it, huh?
- In Pig Latin, it is Imtay Ennglay.
- In ASCII binary, Tim Glenn is: 01010100 01101001 01101101 00100000 01000111 01101100 01100101 01101110 01101110 .
- People with this first name are probably: Male. So, there's a 98% likelihood you sweat just thinking of the price of shaver blades.
3 Things You Didn't Know:
- Based on your name and a process known to only three people on the planet, we can tell you that your Power Animal is the: Cane Toad.
- Your 'Numerology' number is 4. Unfortunately, numerology is a joke. But if it wasn't, it would mean that you are practical, tenacious, traditional, and serious. You are well organized and have a strong work ethic.
- According to the US Census Bureau°, 0.104% of US residents have the first name 'Tim' and 0.02% have the surname 'Glenn'. The US has around 300 million residents, so we guesstimate there are 62 'Tim Glenn's in the U.S.
Interesting huh? I found this at a website called: Is This Your Name?
Tuesday, December 18, 2007
Carol Abuse
Monday, December 10, 2007
Playing Santa
So my sister calls me on her cell phone and asks me to call Christian in about five minutes. And she gives me some pointers: Christian got in trouble at school for drawing on his table. He talked back to mom. And he wants to play video games all the time instead of going outside. So, here's the conversation I had with Christian tonight.
Santa: "Ho! Ho! Ho! Merry Christmas! Christian, are you there?"
Christian: "Yes."
Santa: "Santa wants to know what you want for Christmas!"
Christian: "I want that green jeep that I saw at Target. It has a button on it and you push the button and it goes."
Santa: "Well, let me see with the elves. Hey, elves...do we have one of those?"
Elf: (also played by me with the phone held far away) "Sure do, Santa!"
Santa: "Well, looks like we have one, Christian. But I need you to do something for me."
Christian: "What?"
Santa: "I need you to be nice to your mom...and not talk back to her like you did earlier today, okay?"
Christian: "Okay."
Santa: "And, I saw you drawing on your table at school..."
Christian: "But I ran out of paper! I wouldn't have done it but I ran out of paper, Santa!"
Santa: "But we're not supposed to draw on our tables, are we?"
Christian: "No."
Santa: "And one more thing."
Christian: "What?"
Santa: "You know how you play video games all the time?"
Christian: "Yes. I play my brother's racing game."
Santa: "Well, I need you to go outside and play some too...okay? Don't play so many video games. Can you do that?"
Christian: "Uh-huh."
Santa: "You do that, and Santa will make sure you have a merry Christmas."
Christian: "Okay."
Santa: "Ho! Ho! Ho! Merry Christmas Christian! Ho! Ho! Ho!"
Christian: "Bye Santa"
Santa: "Bye Christian."
I love it!
Friday, December 7, 2007
The Diamond Conspiracy
I don't notice a bunch of diamond commercials in March...or July...or August. What, do these guys save up their budget all year long, just to bombard us with diamond commercials during Christmas!!!???
If I watch football....there are diamond commercials. I watch a sitcom...diamonds. Drama...you guessed it...diamonds. They're everywhere! Come on already!!!!
I'm pretty sure I saw this hidden in the tiny text at the bottom of the screen:
What's the matter guys? You and your girl don't frolick in the snow like the couple in this commercial? Maybe it's because you're a total loser for not buying her a diamond necklace, pendant or bracelet.
As I was searching the internet for a picture of a diamond to use for my blog, I asked my wife, "Which picture should I use?"
"The shiniest one you can find!" she answered.
Conspiracy I tell ya....CONSPIRACY!!!!
Tuesday, December 4, 2007
Taking Back the Rainbow
In Genesis, God tells us that He created the rainbow as a reminder that He will never again flood the earth with water:
I think it's time we took back the rainbow.
Monday, December 3, 2007
Children are NOT our future
Thursday, November 29, 2007
Wednesday, November 28, 2007
August Rush
Wednesday, November 21, 2007
Tuesday, November 20, 2007
Avoiding the Titanic

There's a huge chunk of ice---an iceberg--that you can touch. You can walk down a hallway that was remade to look just like B deck on the ship...even see replicas of first and third class rooms. The exhibit includes jewelery, dishes, watch fobs, clothing and furniture from the doomed ship. It was a bit haunting to realize that you were ogling the personal effects of someone who died a cold and horrifying death in those icy waters some 95 years ago. All of these items sat at the bottom of the ocean for 70-plus years before being brought up for us to see. But of all the pieces on display, one item really stuck out for me. A pair of binoculars.
You see, when the Titanic launched, the crew forgot a crucial piece of equipment. They forgot to provide a pair of binoculars for the lookouts working in the Crow's Nest. Frederick Fleet and Reginald Lee stood up in the post of the forward mast looking out for icebergs. The ship had received a couple of iceberg warnings hours before her fatal collision.
If Fleet or Lee had been given the much needed binoculars, would they have seen the iceberg long before it was too late? Would the disaster have been avoided? Think about that. Over 1500 lives spared. A tragic story never written. Someone on that ship had a pair of binoculars. Today, those binoculars are sitting in a glass case in the Titanic exhibit at the Denver Museum of Nature and Science. Had that person just loaned the binoculars to one of the lookouts, perhaps there never would have been a Titanic tragedy.
That got me thinking. How many times in our lives are we in a situation to help someone out of a problem with something we already have? Is there a child in your church who would love to go to summer camp, but just can't afford it? Do you have the money? Think about how that could change that child's life. The experiences...the lessons learned...perhaps the disasters avoided. All because you loaned your "binoculars" to someone who needed them.
This holiday season, we have a lot to be thankful for. But I wonder how many families are facing disaster out there, waiting for someone to lend them a pair of binoculars. How many disasters can be avoided by our willingness to share what we have...with someone who desperately needs it to survive?
Thursday, November 15, 2007
Perpetuating the Myth
Tuesday, November 13, 2007

A couple of weeks ago, he mastered sitting up on his own. Now he loves to fall over, just so he can sit back up! He's not quite strong enough to pull himself up to a stand yet, but if you stand him up at the edge of something, like a coffee table, he can hold on and stand on his own forever.
This pic is of him in his Superman costume. Doesn't he just look like he's ready to take off and fly? For those who don't know, I'm a huge Superman fan. I jokingly told my wife that if he was born with black hair and blue eyes, we'd name him Kalel. Well, he's definitely got the blue eyes, but looks like he's going to have daddy's brown hair.
That's okay. I love his name. He's named after a Christian music artist that was instrumental in me becoming an artist myself. His name is Morgan Cryar. I used to listen to his stuff all the time in college. I loved his sound...and thought he had a pretty cool name. His music influenced me to get involved in Christian music. The summer after my senior year in college, I entered a vocal competition in Dallas...and ended up winning. There were two prizes for first place:
1. I got 12 hours of studio time at a recording studio in Nashville. It's where I recorded the majority of my very first solo project, Shock the World. (Available only on cassette--I have a case of 'em in my garage!)
2. I got to open up for Morgan Cryar at a concert. What a blast!
Back to my boy. He's sleeping through the night now, which makes mommy and I both happy. And the most awesome thing: Sometimes, when he wakes up in the morning, he sings in his bed. It's all just baby babble, but he loves to sing! And I love to listen to him.
Wednesday, November 7, 2007
Adventures with Chong
Monday, November 5, 2007
Me and the 'Boys (Part 2)
Terrell Owens stretching before the game. Look at the size of those biceps!
Patrick Crayton about to haul in a pass from Tony Romo.
Marion Barber chats it up with Jason Garrett.
Sam Hurd catches a toss from Tony Romo.
Jason Witten.

Brad Johnson warms up before the game.

Jacques Reeves, Pat Watkins, Nathan Jones and Evan Oglesby jogging onto the field.
T.O. catches a pass on the three yard line. The refs would say he was out of bounds when he came down with the ball. Replay suggests otherwise. It's okay. A few plays later, T.O. catches a pass for a T.D. (See Me and the 'Boys, Part 1 for that pic.)
Patrick Crayton hauls in a touchdown pass.
Greg Ellis...with Bradie James in the background.
Two Patriots wrestle T.O. after he catches another pass for a first down.
For the guys.
Since we're showing pictures of girls...ha!
Friday, November 2, 2007
Me and the 'Boys (Part 1)
On October 14th, I got a chance to go see my 'boys play against the New England Patriots in Dallas.
Yeah, we lost. But being there in Texas Stadium was incredible. 50-yard line. 19th row. Amazing seats. I went to the game with my brother. We got there a couple of hours early, so we got to see the players warming up on the field before the game. I had my Nikon D80 with me...and started snapping off some pics.
One of the security guys guarding the gate to the field asked me a question:
"Hey...you wanna go down on the field to take some pics?"
"Heck yeah!" I replied like an overzealous 10-year old Beaver Cleaver.
"Slip me a twenty and I'll let you on the field."
So I did. I paid the 20 bucks and spent the next hour or so on the field, taking snapshots of my favorite players...Tony Romo, Terrell Owens, Marion Barber, Roy Williams, DeMarcus Ware...it was a Cowboys fan dream come true!
Tony Romo and Terrell Owens chat during pre-game warmups.
Terrell Owens takes a lap around the stadium...with cheers from Cowboys fans and jeers from Patriots fans.
Tony Romo stretches before the game.
Terence Newman.
DeMarcus Ware.
Roy Williams, Keith Davis and Jacques Reeves run a few sprints prior to opening kickoff.
Anthony Fasano catches a pass from backup QB, Brad Johnson during pre-game warmup.
Patrick Crayton gets a toss from Tony Romo.
And now a couple of pics from the actual game:
Marion Barber breaks free around the outside for a huge gain.
Terrell Owens catches a pass and runs it in for a touchdown.
Yeah, we lost the game. But the experience was amazing.
Wednesday, October 31, 2007
Role Reversal
- First, there would be no healthcare system. Forget about making an appointment with your doctor every time you get a sniffle or aches and pains.
- Instead of driving to your job where you sit in an air conditioned office all day, you walk a couple of miles to work...and once you get there, you spend the next 10-12 hours doing vigorous manual labor.
- At the end of the day, you get your pay. Two bucks.
- Your children are in danger of dying of a disease that Africa managed to eradicate decades ago.
- For as little as $10 each, you could protect your children from the disease. But you just don't have it. That's a whole week's pay!
- When you get home, tired from a day of work, you've got to find a way to feed the entire family on the two dollars you made today.
- There's no trip to the vending machine during the day for a snack. There is no vending machine. And you couldn't afford it anyway. In fact, you may have to choose not to eat tonight, so your children get enough.
- There's no sink to turn on for clean water. One of your sick children has to walk a mile down the road to get water from a well.
- You can't afford to send your children to school. The supplies alone are out of your budget. (In one country, I met a mother who sifted through old notebooks in a landfill, hoping to find enough blank pages to sew a notebook together so her daughter could go to school.)
- Forget about the house you have today. Your entire home is smaller than your current master bedroom.
- Your "closet" consists of two outfits...one pair of shoes.
- No TV, DVDs, video games.
- If you have electricity, you likely stole it by illegally tapping into a line that runs through your neighborhood. But most likely, the only light you have at night is provided by candles or the trash fire you set in your yard.
- You don't get to take a hot shower every morning. But once every few days, you can make your way to the watering hole to bathe in the filthy, cold stream.
So what's the difference? Longitude and latitude. But for the grace of God you were born here...and not there. And why should that determine whether a person has their basic needs taken care of? Where a person is born should not decide whether they get a fair chance at life. Do something. You Can.
Monday, October 29, 2007
Construction Curse
Please. It's 2007. I find it absolutely impossible to believe that we don't have anything better to make our roads out of than something that has to be replaced every 2-3 years. Before 2010, crews will be back, on that same road, putting a new surface down.
Is there no better, longer-term solution?
Do you know how many industries would love to have that kind of return? To know that you've got to buy their product over and over again every 2-3 years...to the tune of millions of dollars per buy?
Thursday, October 25, 2007
Tuesday, October 23, 2007
Acclimation Affirmation
Monday, October 22, 2007
Friday, October 19, 2007
Waiting For The Roller Coaster
Thursday, October 18, 2007
Don't Fly With Me
- 13 flights on United Airlines: 10 delays of at least one hour each, 3 cancellations, 2 lost bags.
- 4 flights on Continental Airlines: 3 delays, 1 cancellation, 1 lost bag.
- 2 flights on Delta Airlines: 2 multi-hour delays.
- 2 flights on Soutwest Airlines: 1 hour-long delay.
- 1 flight on Cathay Pacific: 1 stolen videocamera from my luggage
Tuesday, October 9, 2007
Mirror Mirror
Monday, October 8, 2007
Lesson in Grace
Friday, October 5, 2007
Wednesday, October 3, 2007
Tuesday, October 2, 2007
A Little Family Pride...
Monday, October 1, 2007
Money Pit
Monday, September 24, 2007
Six Months

Not to offend anyone out there, but there is no one...no one on this planet I would give up my son for. I simply don't love anyone enough to make such a sacrifice. Yet God did it for me. And He did it for you too. That's amazing love. That's beyond comprehension. That's God being what only God can be.
I love being a daddy. I thank God for the miracle that has changed my life for the past six months. I look forward to the years of hugs, wet kisses, boo-boos, temper tantrums, dirty diapers, and sleepless nights to come.
Thursday, September 13, 2007
Old Man Eyebrows

But now, I've got these wild, wiry projectiles protruding
from my forehead like some kind of sagebrush on steroids. I'm Andy Rooney, Mark Twain and a rockhopper penguin all rolled into one! Ack!
Dang. Getting old sucks. And, apparently, it gets pretty hairy.
Sunday, September 2, 2007
Next Please...
Wednesday, August 29, 2007
Wooden Heart

The insinuation, therefore, is that if your heart is made of wood, it's very difficult to break.
I'm a little embarrassed to admit it, but I'm a rather emotional guy. And many things break my heart. Most of my career has been spent looking at the terrible things that are wrong with this world. I spent 16 years in television news telling viewers about all the horrible crimes and catastrophes that have damaged and destroyed lives. Now, I work for an organization that's all about doing something about those horrible things. Still, by the very nature that Compassion International is here to help release children from poverty and all of its trappings--child prostitution, slavery, abuse, neglect, hunger, disease--I am still exposed to all of the ills of the world.
I've often wondered why God would constantly and consistently put me in a position where I have to be exposed to such things. Perhaps He knows me too well. Perhaps He knows that if I lose sight of those things, my heart will turn to wood. Nothing will move me. Nothing will break me. Then, what good am I to Him?
There's another great old song that speaks to this, by Petra:
I pray that God keeps my heart from turning to wood. If you're already there, I pray He softens yours. Let something break your heart today.
Monday, August 27, 2007
Friday, August 17, 2007
Meeting Jen Rina
I walked through the doorway and stepped into the dirt floor home. Inside, with a huge smile on her face, was the little girl I've been corresponding with for nearly six years now. She's adorable. Shy. Soft-spoken. So much hope in a face that lies down on a moldy mattress every night. I wrapped my arms around her and just held her for a few seconds. Her mother was there, along with her baby brother and one of her older brothers. Daddy was out working at a construction site, trying to earn his 250 pesos per day...about $5.68. Less than six bucks a day to feed his family of seven. Oh yeah, and pay the rent each month too.
I don't know why, but I always had it in my head that Jen Rina didn't live like this. Her letters spoke of the chores she's responsible for around the house: cleaning the kitchen, occasionally cooking, helping with the baby. Little did I know that the kitchen was actually a pot, where the family lights firewood to cook each night. For all the preparation I had done for this meeting, I wasn't ready to see this. Nonoy told me that her family doesn't even own this shack, they rent it. They can't afford their own home. This is one provided to them for $15 a month. And they still struggle to make the rent. My heart was breaking. Somehow, I felt like a bad sponsor. If I were only doing more, perhaps she wouldn't live this way.
I held this precious small-framed 11-year old in my arms and told her how beautiful she is. How proud I am of her for the good marks she's getting in school. Her latest report card says she "exhibits leadership qualities."
My heart wanted to say "Come with me. Come back to the states. I can give you so much more." How American of me. "I can fix your problems because I have more money." Truth is, Jen Rina is happy. She knows her Lord and Savior. She even sang a worship song and read a letter for me while I sat in her tiny home.
And that's what my $32 a month is for. My sponsorship through Compassion International makes sure that Jen Rina's basic needs are taken care of. She gets after-school tutoring, help buying her clothes for school, hygiene education, a hot meal...and she hears about her Savior, Jesus. This is who Jesus was talking about, when He said the last would be first. I'm so glad she knows Christ.
We have so much in this country. And perhaps it takes seeing something like Jen Rina's home to put things into perspective. One of the folks on this trip said, "We are the ones Jesus was talking about, when He said it would be easier for a camel to fit through the eye of a needle. We are the rich man."
Yes we are. And it is our duty...our mandate from God Himself to use our excess to help those who have little.
I'm so glad I got to finally meet Jen Rina. I will never forget it. And I hope that the little bit that I give can someday help her break the cycle of poverty in her family...so her children will never know what it's like to live in a rented shack made of scraps.
Living Amongst the Dead
She smiled, exposing her decaying teeth. “All my life.”
All her life. Here, in one of the most despicable, degrading places for a family to raise a child. A cemetery. But not the type you and I are used to. There’s no neatly mowed lawn, lined with perfectly symmetrical rows of headstones.
A 20-foot tall wall lines the cemetery. Upon closer inspection, you find that the wall is made up entirely of tombs…stacked one on top of the other. The wall of the dead.
Amidst the crow of a rooster and the bark of a stray dog, you hear the giggle of a child. Little boys and girls skip along the gravesites, seemingly oblivious to the fact that the entire site is covered in death. This is their home.
Hidden along the massive wall are openings the size of small doorways…perfect for a Filipino. An average American might have to duck to enter. Beyond these doorways, are homes—more like shacks made of scraps of wood and tin. It’s not unusual for a family of six or seven to call one of these shacks home. It’s where the young Filipino girl was raised…and where she will raise her baby. It’s beyond heartbreaking. No child should be raised here. No baby should have to breathe this moldy air…walk barefoot through this garbage. No child’s bed should be just on the other side of a wall from a corpse.
Compassion International is here to bring life to the cemetery. By teaching these children about their Heavenly Father, Compassion is giving Filipino boys and girls a chance at new life. It’s the very heart of the Great Commission. Because of Compassion’s ministry, some of these children will not spend their entire lives hidden within the wall of the dead. Nor will their children. This is truly light in the darkest of places.
We all live in cemeteries, I suppose. We are all skipping among the dead through this world of broken homes and hearts. The question is: what are we doing to bring life to the cemetery?
Wednesday, August 8, 2007
The 5 Worst Drivers
Friday, August 3, 2007
Rude in New York
I'm at a conference in upstate New York right now. And I'm miserable. I'm way too far away from my wife and son. The "conference" is being held at a YMCA campground...which is beautiful and all, but there's no cell phone service here. (I can't believe there are still places in this country where you can't get cell service.) The wireless service goes in and out. It will likely take me over an hour to write this post, with the service going down and such. Oh, and let me not forget to mention that it's in the 90's here, ridiculously humid and the rooms don't have air conditioning.
This is 2007.
Who holds a conference in a place with no cell service, poor wireless service and no air conditioning!? Ugh. That's not a conference...that's camping! And remember the "forced socialization" I wrote about earlier? Yeah, there's been a lot of that throughout this "conference" too. Ugh. I am so out of my element. I just want to be home. I just want to hear my son's coo...hold him in my arms. I want to be back in my comfort zone.
When I get uncomfortable, I retreat into myself. There's been a lot of retreating these past couple of days, let me tell ya. Trust me, it's better for everyone if I just disappear by myself and stay away from people when I'm this uncomfortable. For example:
Last night, at dinner in the dining hall here at the camp...er, I mean "conference", I was sitting in the farthest table away in the back corner. Two ladies and two kids came up to the edge of the table and one of the ladies asked:
"Are you expecting more people at this table?"
"No. I was trying to be unsociable." I answered, without even looking up.
"Oh." She paused for a moment, not sure what to do with that answer.
"Well, if we promise not to talk to you, can we sit here?" she asked.
"Sure. That sounds like a plan."
It was rude, I know. Like I said, it's better for everyone if I can just disappear away from people.
Myers Briggs says an introvert is a person who does not get their energy from other people...in fact, may even find other people draining. They focus on their "inner world" rather than the outer world. That's definitely me. Given the choice between solitude and mingling with other people, I choose solitude 10 times out of 10.
Because we prefer solitude over crowds, we introverts rarely have a long list of close friends. For me, the list is very small and I'm okay with that. But I would say that none of my friends really "knows" me. I guess I'm a secretive introvert. Or perhaps we all are, I don't know.
I am an introvert. And though I sometimes feel compelled to apologize for that, I won't. It's who I am. I know I do owe that lady at dinner an apology.
Go figure. I came to New York...and *I* was rude!
Someday, I'm going to hold a conference for introverts. It will have 300 attendees...and will be held in 300 different locations at the same time. But there will be wireless, cell service...and yes, even air conditioning.